Our products span the key areas of any system implementation: Controls, Water Treatment, Pumps, Distribution and Target Area. It is the definition of each area that drives what specific system components are ideal for your particular application. Before digesting everything in the Products section of our web site you should feel comfortable contacting us at +1 (760) 321-9203. We are here to assist you with general concepts, specific application details or even discerning the sometimes-subtle differences between Koolfog platforms.
If you are ready to charge forward here are a few tips:
Our Pumps provide options. From simple plug-in operation to advanced control Koolfog designs pumps for every situation. Whether built for value or built for performance we always have an eye to durability and reliability. Our pumps are named after deserts (with the exception of the Oasis, a play on words) and is, in part, an acknowledgement of the harsh environments that we often serve. If you have questions we are happy to answer them. Please call +1 (760) 321-9203.
Misting vs. Fog
Although we are technically in the “fog” industry and all of our systems produce a dry fog (or mist) we like to differentiate between “misting” and “fog”. The main reason is that as the technology became more prominent the general public started referring to high-pressure fog, often experienced in theme parks, restaurants and resorts, as “misting systems” or “misters.”
So now we designate outdoor cooling applications as well as certain humidification and dust control implementations to Misting. Whereas, we delegate Fog to visual effects and precise humidification applications. Behind everything, the main difference is the nozzle type and the atomization line type.